Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week 6.2: Preservation of Persistent Pollinators

This poster is help save the bees! At the time I created this there was a bee crisis and the project was to make a poster for disaster relief of some sort and I choose to do an animal relief and remembered hearing something about bees disappearing or dying off. (All of this is completely fake by the way. Every bit of this is fictional: the company, the logo and everything.) So I made up an non-profit organization to help notify people of the problem. I went through many names and most of them were as silly as the one I chose to be the final name. Preservation of Persistent Pollinators. Since it was about bees the logo choice was obvious. Doing a honeycomb for the logo. Then I got creative and thought about how I can make this really dramatic. I thought to myself, "how about flying dead bees?!" So I came up with many concepts and decided on the one you see here. With bones as the wings and the skull of a bee as the head. Then I had to come up with a phrase to put on this particular poster. Something dramatic but not too dramatic that people will just overlook it. So I went with something cliche and I think it made it kinda funny at the same time. I also needed something else because part of the project called for 2 elements that were related. So I created a flower since they are bees and that is what they go after to create the honey. I chose the color scheme purple and yellow because they are opposites and I didn't choose the colors till I created the flower with the yellow center.

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