Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Week 9.1: Personal Logo

I put a lot of thought into my personal logo. I wanted one that would kind of describe me in a way. I came up with many ideas and put a lot of descriptive words on paper of things I liked. Then, I went a completely different direction with it by using horoscopes. My Chinese horoscope animal is the Dragon and my American horoscope animal is the Leo. So I came up with a few logos for each of them and ended up going with this one. It came out kinda tribal when I drew the lions head so I intentionally made it look even more tribal but still recognizable as a lion. I started with the mouth and then the chin hair and I went on it just started to look like kind of tribal so I purposely made the rest of it look that way. The type is actually Tribal; I found that online.

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