Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 8.1: Parody Crate Label

This is a project I did in my Package Design class. The project was to research old crate labels such as apple crates and stuff like that. So I looked up a few and most of them looked like clip art pasted on a piece of paper and stuck on a crate. I wanted it to look somewhat like that when i did it. The project also was to do a parody of one. The teacher gave us choices on what to do and Assorted Beach Trash was the one I picked out. So I found a clip art of a crushed and dented soda can and changed the colors on it. I then made up a name and a tag line for it. Assorted beach trash had to have a picture of a beach behind it too. So I found a low resolution picture online and put a filter on it so it kind of blurred and made a nice texture at the same time. Most of the crate labels I found also had a thick border around them so I put one on here and this is what I came up with.

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