Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog 5: Laughing Lion Design

Laughing Lion Design has some very nice graphic design and illustration works. It doesn't have all the fancy tutorials and freebies like the others. But it's nice to look at this guys work. He has logos and posters and all kinds of things. I like his work.

Blog 4: Inspiredology

Inspiredology is a 'Design Inspiration Lab' as they call it on the website. I believe it is also with how much stuff they have on it that can inspire some graphic designers. Like the other blog they have tutorials and freebies and stuff like that but this site has videos, photography and even news. One of the best sites I've seen so far for inspiring graphic designers.

Blog 3: Design M.ag

Design M.ag is a very helpful site for anyone looking to design a web page. It has many different web pages that you can get ideas from and many different ways to create the same thing using different programs. The also have interviews with web designers as well as tutorials and freebies to download. Overall good site.

Blog 2: Logo Design Love

Logo Design Love is a site that can help you with ideas on creating your own logo. It it very useful. It has many ways of creating simple yet effective personal logos. It also talks about famous logos and the history behind them. I like this site, it is very useful and can really help with designing a logo.

Blog 1: David Airey

David Airey has a nice blog for aspiring graphic designers. The content he has in his blog is very nice and could inspire some new graphic designers. At the same time some of the advertisements he has in there could reveal the truth about advertising and what its doing to the public. So it's kind of inspiring in different ways, but I don't really see any of his own work unless I'm looking at it wrong. Good blog, but I think he needs to put more of his own work in it if he is a graphic designer.

Week 9.2: The Pool Table

I did this project in my Multimedia 2 class at South University. Using the Maya program I created the pool table using basic polygons. A rounded edged cube is the base for the table then i took the middle of the top of the table and sunk it into itself. I then took the edges of the felt and pushed them into the sides and turned the felt green. I then created the pool sticks using basic cylinders with a ball at the end (that you can't see). Then I put the pockets in the table by cutting out holes in the 4 corners (when I did this I forgot about the center pockets, I will be fixing this). Then I put the 3 lights on the table to make it look more like its in a bar and to brighten up the balls a bit. The balls were last though. I created them using the rounded edge cube again and put flat cylinders on them for the lower numbered balls such as 1-9. Once I got to 10 it became too crowded to read how many there were just by looking at it. So to make it easier and to distinguish the low balls from the high balls I put the actual number on the high balls. Once I was done creating the dice I put them in clear basic spheres and put them in order on the table.

Week 9.1: Personal Logo

I put a lot of thought into my personal logo. I wanted one that would kind of describe me in a way. I came up with many ideas and put a lot of descriptive words on paper of things I liked. Then, I went a completely different direction with it by using horoscopes. My Chinese horoscope animal is the Dragon and my American horoscope animal is the Leo. So I came up with a few logos for each of them and ended up going with this one. It came out kinda tribal when I drew the lions head so I intentionally made it look even more tribal but still recognizable as a lion. I started with the mouth and then the chin hair and I went on it just started to look like kind of tribal so I purposely made the rest of it look that way. The type is actually Tribal; I found that online.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 8.2: The Pineapple Fountain

This is a photo I took in Charleston, SC of the pineapple fountain down near The Battery. I did this project in my digital photography class at Trident Tech. The teacher said to take a photo and play with the eraser tool and paint brush tool. I ended up erasing everything except the fountain and putting a bit of color in it using the paint brush tool. The green and kind of redish colors that are in the corners, along with all the others, all come from the photo itself using the eyedropper tool. Then, found a brush that had a straight edge on one side and something to border with on the other. I called it The Pineapple Fountain and this is what I came up with.

Week 8.1: Parody Crate Label

This is a project I did in my Package Design class. The project was to research old crate labels such as apple crates and stuff like that. So I looked up a few and most of them looked like clip art pasted on a piece of paper and stuck on a crate. I wanted it to look somewhat like that when i did it. The project also was to do a parody of one. The teacher gave us choices on what to do and Assorted Beach Trash was the one I picked out. So I found a clip art of a crushed and dented soda can and changed the colors on it. I then made up a name and a tag line for it. Assorted beach trash had to have a picture of a beach behind it too. So I found a low resolution picture online and put a filter on it so it kind of blurred and made a nice texture at the same time. Most of the crate labels I found also had a thick border around them so I put one on here and this is what I came up with.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week 7.2: TTC Internet Radio Poster Vol. 2

Again this is the same project as the previous one so I wont go into as much detail about it. The process was the same for the background and the logo at the bottom (which again I take no credit for). This time I decided to use drums as the focus of the poster. This was a bit more difficult to cut out of the photo it was in because of the all little pieces that had to be cut out. To make it easier though I used the Quick Mask tool in Photoshop along with the paintbrush tool. Once I cut it out I put it in the place of the guitar, took out the radio signals, and moved the lightning bolts to the symbols. I didn't use the radio signals because I could really find anything on the drums that could symbolize a radio tower. So I cut them out of the poster completely and came up with this.